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Call us to save up to 38% off Electronics Service Plans!

Protect All Flat-Panel TVs In Your Home for 60¢ a Day

Fill out the form below or call @@dynamic_phone for prices and available plans in your area.

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Last Name*
Zip Code*
Email Address*
Telephone Number*

*When you give us this info, you'll get plan and deductible options for your area. You'll also be giving us the OK to use automated technology to follow up by phone (cell included) to answer any questions. You can always get an instant quote by calling @@dynamic_phone.

TotalProtect puts you back in control
Average repair costs on just one flat-screen TV will set you back a steep $500 – and many repairs cost much more. Just 60¢ a day ensures ALL your flat-screen TVs are protected, whether a sudden surge fries your TV, a lamp blows or the picture fades.

You choose the TVs you want to cover ... one plan protects them all. The plan also covers your original TV remotes and TV 3D glasses that break or malfunction. For a service fee, you get prompt, expert repair or replacement: 

We cover all flat panel TVs, regardless of the make or model, including new purchases.1

✓ No purchase receipts are needed.

 One U.S. based service team takes care of you, no matter which TV breaks. That's much better than chasing down a dozen different manufacturers or extended warranty companies.

Protect all TVs in your home for just 60¢ a day.